Thank you for your participation in AUV2016.

New: Preliminary Program
New: Conference Registration page is now open.
New: Author Instruction is now available
All Abstract Submission is closed.
Welcome to AUV 2016
Every two years the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (IEEE-OES) sponsors a collaborative conference to bring together those working in the field of autonomous vehicles for ocean applications. In 2016 this diverse group from around the world will meet in Tokyo, Japan at the University of Tokyo. We look forward to seeing you in AUV 2016.
Conference Scope
- Vehicle Design
- Vehicle Navigation
- Vehicle Performance
- Multi Vehicle Systems
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Autonomous Surface Vehicles (Virtual Mooring Buoy)
- Remotely Operated Vehicles
- Others
Student Poster Competition - " Imaginary AUV project"
Students are invited to submit proposals for an “Imaginary AUV Project”.
The winners will receive incentive fund and travel support!
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Page Open: April 8, 2016
Deadline for Abstract Submission: June 20, 2016 Extended: June 30, 2016
Notification for Authors: July 16, 2016
Deadline for Full-paper Submission: September 2, 2016